What I learned in ETEC 544?
In ETEC 544, I followed the ADDIE model to create a project with my team members. This project was to assist college students to enhance their comprehension of selecting laptops. Below is my work for the ETEC 544 design project.
My groupmates and I developed the analysis document for analysis for the people item (computer experts review) and document recovery (technological forums and Q&A) to narrow down our target audience to three different groups: general users, graphic designers, and gamers. This could also help readers to clarify their laptop needs. Refer to the analysis document below.
My groupmates and I wrote the design document that we used to design two learning objectives that were related to the three different groups’ basic knowledge of selecting efficient laptops. We provided systematic and specific contents to describe the main laptop specifications for each group from the content outline and flowchart. Refer to the design document below.
My groupmates and I created e-flyers that use the training by documentation method as a delivery system. Refer to the development document below.
We did not practice this part in this class, but we used the beta test for collecting data from the online satisfaction survey and quiz. The online survey and quiz helped us to get students’ feedback at the end of the training. Refer to the development document below.
We did not practice this part in this class.
Sample Work in ETEC 644
Please click the “ETEC 644 project” or “Design home page” button to see my ETEC 644 project or design home page below: